October 27, 2002

Bookcase: Reason and Resource

Business – The Ultimate Resource Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Price: $150 Business is 2172 wafer thin but collectively weighty pages of management intelligence. It features contributions from Bennis to Buffett; Drucker

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NZIM: Belief and Vision

Michael Stedman, managing director of Natural History New Zealand, spoke recently at an NZIM presentation. His edited views on management and society are reproduced here.

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On the Web: Future Trends for HR

I believe it was Bob Dylan who wrote the song “the times they-are-a-changin’”, though I’m not so sure he was thinking about human resource management when he wrote it. Still,

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Opinion Leaders: Batting for Baldrige

“It’s not for small businesses.” “It’s not for service providers.” “It’s not for public sector entities.” Rationalisation abounds when it comes to not adopting Baldrige. In Trade New Zealand, when

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Tech Nous: But Is It Progress?

I don’t know about you, but I was always under the illusion that new products, superseding old or existing products, provided the buyer with features or enhancements that made life

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