Māori-owned tech companies – report
A higher proportion of Māori technology workforces are grown within Māori-owned companies than anywhere else, according to the first Toi Hangarau: A Report on Māori-owned Technology Companies 2023. The 107-page
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A higher proportion of Māori technology workforces are grown within Māori-owned companies than anywhere else, according to the first Toi Hangarau: A Report on Māori-owned Technology Companies 2023. The 107-page
Working from home is a new reality for many, but it need not be just for employees. What if the boss moves out of town first? By Cathy Parker.
While wage inflation and CPI do not directly correlate, the massive jump in cost of living, coupled with low unemployment, has resulted in the biggest change in salary movement at general
There is a pool of talent in New Zealand that is largely going untapped, writes Mela Lush. New Zealand is experiencing a labour and skills shortage. Labelled as the Great
Security leaders need to be considering how they can reorient their approach to cyber threats, understanding that attackers have the means to infiltrate even the most robust perimeters. By Chris
We’re at a crossroad where cyber resilience has become a defining mandate of our time – to anticipate future threats, withstand, recover from cyber-attacks, and adapt to future digital shocks.
How the world’s most productive people structure their workday, and why it makes a difference. By Amantha Imber. Ninety-six percent of people check their mobile phone within one hour of
If you want to ‘step-up’ in your career, you need to invest in that, writes Jackie O’Fee. I recently was a “prize” in an incentive programme for a nationwide sales
Covid has stripped many organisations to the bone, forcing them to examine and become crystal clear about who, and what, their priorities are. By Kate Kearins. As I write this
In reporting climate-related financial disclosures, it pays to report early, to tell a meaningful and relevant climate story and to seek to improve each year because an organisation’s reputation and
Dressing for work is one of the most intentional career moves you can make, says Jackie O’Fee, who challenges you to see if the way you dress actually makes a
BUY YOUR NOVEMBER ISSUE HERE …… While 2020 has been a year that, I am sure, many would like to forget it doesn’t seem, at this point in time at least,
Jackie O’Fee offers tips for keeping your cool in summer’s heat while maintaining your corporate dress-sense. As the countdown to the summer months begins, we start to see a shift
BUY YOUR AUGUST ISSUE HERE …… Our workplaces are changing and it’s probably fair to say so are both leaders and employees as the pandemic continues to dominate how we all
Is the “new normal” impacting on how we dress for the office? From the work Jackie O’Fee has been doing over the past month it appears not much has changed.
Listen now to: John Allen: Discussing an accessible future & what lies ahead after Covid How to dress for virtual meetings and while working from home
At Management, our focus is to inspire New Zealand’s business leaders and managers of today and tomorrow. We highlight important leadership, management and economic ideas to help New Zealand leaders, lead.
Get your MAY issue now Nothing is certain anymore as the coronavirus pandemic continues to impact around the world. As well as the terrible human tragedy, the impact it’s having on
Given so many of us are currently ‘meeting’ through Zoom in tee shirts and jeans, what will ‘normal office dress’ look like when we return to work? As I write
FEBRUARY ISSUE OUT NOW A new year and a fresh start. And certainly, something does feel very fresh about reaching the 2020s. For our first issue of the year we’ve looked
Long, hot summer days… and it’s more casual at work too. But there are many ways that holiday casual differs from workplace casual, writes Jackie O’Fee. Ah… January. The start
DECEMBER SSUE OUT NOW Rolling into 2020 It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of the year. Call it an age-related problem, but the years really do
Speaking to a team member about their hair colour, numerous piercings or inappropriate dress can be very tricky. Jackie O’Fee outlines how to start the conversation. “So, how do you
The dichotomy for senior management is that you don’t own the culture in the organisation yet through your actions (or inactions) you have the power to destroy it. By Colin
NOVEMBER ISSUE OUT NOW Taking personal charge of your digital footprint As the digital world encroaches further and further into our daily physical lives, and as our personal digital footprints
If you are a more mature worker, the big question is what do you wear to still look current without looking as if you are trying to be “down with
OCTOBER ISSUE OUT NOW The way we communicate is changing so very profoundly. With family and friends overseas it is all through Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Instagram, Google Hangouts, Apple Facetime
We all have unconscious expectations of what a person in a certain role should dress like and if that expectation isn’t met, it can make us question if that person
SEPTEMBER ISSUE OUT NOW A new take on workplace design The images of the thousands of hectares ablaze in the Amazon, “the lungs of the world” has prompted in international
Current research on neuroplasticity and adult learning suggests adults are more malleable than we might previously have believed and given the right conditions, we can rewire our brains. By Kate
As not-for-profit organisations grow, different skill sets are required on the board. With more than 100,000 not-for-profits (NFPs) in New Zealand the chances are most people in governance roles cut
JULY ISSUE OUT NOW Productivity is a very personal thing and we all like to think we are as productive as we can, and should, be. But there are always
Once the very open-minded younger generations start filling our management and governance roles we can only hope that the need for discussions around diversity, homo and trans phobia and gender
A well written and gender balanced dress code can set a high standard of dress for both men and women, but can you insist on the wearing of tights and
JUNE ISSUE OUT NOW Very few leaders would be unaware of the need for vigilance around their organisation’s cybersecurity. But the bigger question leaders probably need to ask is not
MAY ISSUE OUT NOW It is always fascinating to talk to individuals whose work and background means they really do see the big global picture and have a very clear-eyed
APRIL ISSUE OUT NOW The horrendous events in Christchurch have scarred our country forever and in the days since then the outpourings of grief and love and care have put our
MARCH ISSUE OUT NOW No leader knows everything We are all human and we all have our on-days and our off-days, no matter how senior we might be in an organisation.
There are some real warning signs in the life insurance review for all boards, particularly around setting codes of conduct, tone and culture from the top, says Kirsten Patterson. The
Sometimes an outfit can help you bring your alter ego to the workplace to give you that little bit of extra courage you might need for an important meeting or event. By Jackie O’Fee.
The New Zealand Institute of Management, the professional association for managers in New Zealand, and the Institute of Managers and Leaders, Australia’s peak body for managers and leaders, have joined
Is the person you are sending out into the world each day, the person you think you are? Jackie O’Fee outlines a simple tool she teaches her clients to use every day.
FEBRUARY ISSUE OUT NOW As we race into 2019 one thing is sure and that is that the pace of change is unlikely to slow down and leaders are going
It is key to remember that the diversity discussion is not just around gender balance but looking at other diversities such as ethnicity, disability or sexuality, writes Cathy Parker.
Data from Formula One crashes helps explain how high-stakes collisions with workplace rivals happen. By Henning Piezunka, Wonjae Lee, Richard Haynes and Matthew S. Bothner. An undeniable part of Formula
DECEMBER ISSUE OUT NOW In a world of tumultuous change how can a leader prepare for what lies ahead in 2019? In the December issue of Management we look at the global
How do you go from your working day attire to getting your glam on in the office toilets? If it is a work-related event, how far do you take that glamour? Jackie O’Fee has some answers.
NOVEMBER ISSUE OUT NOW Perpetual Guardian’s radical experiment to pay its employees for five days, while they work four, has paid off and will become a permanent fixture at the
The challenge ahead is how we can responsibly unleash more of the human potential for detection, intelligence, imagination, innovation, and collaborative capacities around safety.
Recent cases have highlighted the very real personal liability board directors can face if things go wrong.
In the corporate world is the way you look and dress important?
SEPTEMBER ISSUE OUT NOW Is leadership all about context? In Management magazine this month we examine factors that can contribute to a CEOs success or failure and question if transformational leaders are
We are living in a VUCA world – it’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Cathy Parker explains.
Dressing beautifully, whether you are male or female, won’t make you a better leader, but it will make you feel more confident and may even change the perception people have of you.
AUGUST ISSUE OUT NOW This issue, quite coincidentally, two of our columnists have written about mindfulness and the role it can play in improving not just our emotional well-being but
Ron Murray has dedicated his new book to all employees who ever felt left in the dark in the workplace. He explains how leaders can work to ensure their employees don’t feel that way.
Can you impose a dress standard on someone who works for you, but doesn’t work for you, such as a contractor? By Jackie O’Fee.
While there are currently no signs of the gig economy being stifled in New Zealand, overseas legal cases and enquiries do raise the question of whether existing laws are fit for purpose in this rapidly-changing employment landscape,
says Gillian Service.
Management July 2018 – OUT NOW The productivity of New Zealand businesses, or lack of it, has had a bit of attention lately and that looks likely to continue as the
A 2013 study in the United Kingdom found that women in business spend almost 20 percent of their salary on clothing and that excluded the amount spent on beauty items such as botox, make-up, hair and other grooming. So just what is appropriate? By Jackie O’Fee.
Management June 2018 – OUT NOW Sometimes, as a non-CEO, I find it daunting to think of the legion of areas that a CEO must deal with. Not only does
If your staff don’t have any direct customer-facing contact does it matter how they dress at work…
A recent human capital survey shows a need for increased executive team collaboration, which doesn’t always seem to be happening quite as it should. One of the major findings
Management May 2018 – OUT NOW GO, YOU GOOD THING When I first heard about the trial Perpetual Guardian planned to undertake to offer its employees the opportunity to work for
Do you need to navigate the world of ‘political dressing’?
Be in quick to win two tickets for you and a friend…
Business and personal decisions are fraught with unintended consequences, mostly due…
With 2017 all but in the record books, most business leaders are well on their way into 2018…
Your shoes will show others who you are, writes Jackie O’Fee…
Contact Energy has been ranked first out of 6,000 global companies on the 2017…
Vision setting is the process of defining success, writes John McGill…
If you’ve held onto a certain look for many years believing it makes you stand out and that it is your…
Policies unveiled by the new coalition Government could have an impact on the employment…
If you appear stuck in your dress sense, it can (often incorrectly) be assumed that you are…
Studies show that in a world where we are required to make many decisions in a day, every decision…
With two major new convention centres under construction, New Zealand is expected to go…
Bringing all of who you are to the workplace, including your feminity, is a powerful and…
When you are hiring perhaps you should look not only at the psychometric tests but also the…
Leading a team and clients to the best business outcomes often means taking a step into…
Electric vehicles are gaining traction fast, autonomous vehicles are already on our…
Is our casual approach serving us or hindering us in our desire to build global links in…
As business dress standards have changed over the years, what does casual Friday mean…
It’s up to companies, governmental bodies and employees in Auckland to determine…
Building green has entered the mainstream in New Zealand and incorporating sustainability into…
The way we dress is a behaviour that reflects our core values and beliefs – our desire to stand…
Expecting new team members to take their dress cues from your existing staff can be fraught…
Sixty-one years ago, when the first issue of Management magazine was produced, Sydney…
Kaye Bentley’s career has spanned project management roles with big city law firms, to study and…
Instead of an uncomfortable, formal meeting once, twice or three times a year, the expectation…
We have only seen the first waves of digitalisation, and the next waves will be based on the…
You can’t be a leader without followers, says Kate Kearins. It’s a bit lonely leading yourself – and…
Companies that continually want to develop and move forward need diversity and original…
If you are already suffering from content overload, by 2020 the amount of information on the web is estimated to increase by 600 percent. Fiona Powell offers useful ways to manage and filter your digital reading.
EcoMatters Environmental Trust is building healthy environments with local communities and for the first time in its 13 year history it’s looking to grow sponsorship opportunities.
A half day conference offered a wealth of sustainability thinking, including a quick demonstration of how saying “no but” de-energises, and how the alternative “yes and” quickly leads to a plethora of possibilities, says Kate Kearins.
The Funding Network, which is described as “the Dragon’s Den for charities”, is a not-for-profit organisation which allows social entrepreneurs to pitch for funds at live crowd-funding events.
Studies show that unconditional contribution to the wider community strongly contributes to healthier relationships, higher job satisfaction and can add an additional 10 years to life expectancy. So, says Fiona Hewitt, by doing good – you feel good too.
More and more companies are making a conscious effort to put sustainable practices into action and more and more consumers really care about conscious capitalism. Here is what one charity is achieving with the help of both large and small New Zealand businesses.
When it comes to using mobile technology to drive revenue, enhance customer and citizen management and be more competitive, New Zealand enterprises are more immature than their global counterparts, according to new research from technology company Unisys.
Management Magazine strives to inspire New Zealand leaders today with forward thinking that helps them define who they are as a leader and helps them understand how they can become a better leader.