May 27, 2006

TECH NOUS This is Personal

It’s not very often the media goes into frenzy over new technology product release, especially in this country. After all, product launches happen with monotonous regularity and we Kiwis prefer

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UPFRONT Gulp and go for it

One of Gabriella Goddard’s life-changing “gulp” moments was when she was earning six-figure salary as European marketing director for broadband company that unexpectedly went belly up. New Zealand-born Goddard had

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UPFRONT Food miles and fashion

How far did the various elements of your breakfast have to travel before they arrived in your bowl this morning? It’s the sort of question that increasingly exercises the minds

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UPFRONT Courting company disaster

If you want to know whether company is likely to succeed or not, it’s worth checking the court records of its individual directors. Recent research by leading business information company

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UPFRONT But is it progress?

Growth – it’s wonderful thing. Unless, of course, it’s cancer, or possibly prison inmates. One of the expanding contributors to America’s GDP is the incarceration industry – it’s been growing

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The Daily Drucker

Picking Leader “Would I want one of my sons to work under that person?” What would I look for in picking leader of an institution? First, I would look at

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THE MANAGEMENT INTERVIEW Tim Gibson – Life in a goldfish bowl

Managers of any major enterprise are always subject to scrutiny. Especially so if taxpayers foot the bill. Three years after he first took up the cudgels at New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, chief executive Tim Gibson talks candidly about what he has learnt and how it is still hard to measure return on investment.

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BROADBAND Understand Broadband – Our A to Z guide for executives

New Zealand languishes near the bottom of global league tables when it comes to broadband connectivity, and technology enthusiasts say our failure to embrace the potential of high-speed internet is stymying economic development. The growing chorus of complaints has prompted the Government to act by loosening Telecom’s stranglehold on broadband access, but where to from here? Simon Hendery takes a broad look at broadband issues – from A to Z.

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NZIM By G-OSH, It Works – Promoting management that cares

Caring for every employee’s health and safety should be a management priority. The New Zealand Institute of Management has been strenuously delivering this message for 10 years. Its messenger is Gavin Johnson, a health and safety expert who is passionate about the importance of his calling.

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IN COMMITTEE Why Committees Count

Occasionally I run into former colleagues from my newsroom days – some of them “personality presenters” and “household names” nowadays – who politely inquire how I pass my time. The

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