August 24, 2004

TECH NOUS Mobile Temptations

There’s no denying technology moves forward at remarkable rate. But there are times when the hype outstrips the reality. All sorts of promises are made, but the take-up turns out

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UPFRONT Wanted: new breed CIO

Most chief information officers (CIOs) are too busy keeping existing operations fine-tuned to generate new business benefits from IT investments. That’s according to David Mark and Eric Monnoyer who, writing

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UPFRONT Wage growth

It seems the long-tightening labour market is starting to impact on wages with both the Labour Cost Index and June Quarterly Employment Survey showing rises. The LCI shows pay rates

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UPFRONT Unearned rewards?

How closely are incentive bonuses tied to performance? Not very, according to new survey exploring company use of performance incentive schemes. It found that 70 percent of responding companies do

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UPFRONT The other “Barbie”

Popular cultural wisdom sees the Kiwi character as somewhat Brit-like while Aussies are more American aligned – or are they? The Australian community leadership organisation, Leadership Victoria, has taken look

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UPFRONT Show us your ethics

Intellectual challenge is major factor in job choice for international MBA students. So, of course, is remuneration. But increasingly an employer’s ethical reputation and record of employee care are important

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UPFRONT Orbit Corporate Travel

In July Management published its first Best of Business Travel Guide to provide easy-to-access information to the specialist help and advice that can make the busy business traveller’s life just

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UPFRONT Hunting snakes in suits

Is economic pressure on modern-day workplaces and corporate culture creating world where psychopathic behaviour flourishes and is even rewarded? That was the question posed in recent Background Briefing programme aired

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LEADERSHIP A Corporate Cultivator’s Guide to Growing Leaders

The current skills shortage and the Government’s acknowledgment of the link between management capability and economic performance is focusing more attention on the need to grow leadership skills and develop management talent. How can New Zealand managers improve their own skills and mentor others to develop theirs?

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ETHICS Fraud and the Family

Unethical business behaviour is, at least initially, more to do with the breakdown of the family than with commercial pressures. It also has a lot to do with how educators teach business and accounting, say two American academics who visited New Zealand last month.

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EDUCATION MANAGEMENT Winning Principals and How to Pick Them

High-performing schools are a prerequisite for growth in today’s knowledge-based economy – and competent leadership is a critical success factor for schools as much as for any organisation. But are schools and school boards equipped with the best means to identify potential leaders? HR consultant Brian Dive says the measurement model touted by ERO is all wrong, and here he explains why.

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COVER STORY Beating Time – Fighting to knock a life out of it

Winning the work/life battle is still a distant dream for managers and individuals condemned to ride the non-stop treadmill of balancing competing demands of work, family and leisure time. But some New Zealand enterprises have developed solutions that benefit both their people and their profitability. How do they do it?

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A Cartoon History of Management

As nation critically dependent on trade, New Zealand’s inflation rate over the past half century has been as much affected by world political and economic events as the vote-seeking policies

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