A Cartoon History of Management

Despite the ‘blossoming’ of free trade between the two countries under CER, New Zealand has seen continuing exclusion of apples as another devious Australian ploy. The Australians say New Zealand has fireblight, bacterial disease; New Zealand apple growers claim it attacks blossoms and the fruit is unaffected. The Australian government says it’s quarantine issue; New Zealand calls it restrictive trade practice. Earlier this year it appeared the 80-year ban was about to end following positive impact risk assessment by Australian quarantine officials. But the ‘under arm’ tactics are continuing with Australian growers now claiming that if New Zealand apples enter Australia up to 2500 jobs will be lost and that fireblight – if it crossed the Tasman – could cost the Australian apple and pear industry nearly A$830 million over five years.

Jim Hubbard, Hawke’s Bay Today, 20 October 2000.

From the NZ Cartoon Archive, Alexander Turnbull Library, P O Box 12349, Wellington, Tel/fax 04-474 3154
The national collection of cartoons and caricatures

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Xero appoints new Chief People Officer

Xero has appointed Jeff Ryan as its Chief People Officer, to replace Nicole Reid, who has decided to leave Xero after six years. Ryan will be responsible for leading Xero’s people

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