26 Cover Story:Is NZ future-ready?
Do we have the skills and talent in place to drive future economic growth? New thinking between the tertiary education sector and business may provide some much-needed help. Ruth Le Pla investigates.

6 INBOX: News and views
14 FOCUS: MindStorm
16 AS I SEE IT: Hamish McConnochie
17 JUST GOOD BUSINESS: Energy smarts Ian Niven
18 NZIM: diversity of attractions? Reg Birchfield

20 POLITICS: English’s fiscal balancing act Colin James
21 ECONOMICS: Pragmatic state intervention Bob Edlin
22 LEADERSHIP: Bullshit and backlash Reg Birchfield
23 THOUGHT LEADER: Turning education on its head
Geoff Perry
24 BOOKCASE: Firm commitment; The Young New Zealander’s Guide to Entrepreneurship Reg Birchfield, Toni Myers


60EXECUTIVE HEALTH: Business bites back Peter Tynan

32 The changing face of NZ’s workforce
Why should our business leaders be concerned about education and training prospects for young Maori?

34 Corporate culture: Confidence & culture – the new leadership currency
NZ Management magazine spoke to Marcus Child, presenter at recent TEC event in Auckland. Child is professional presenter and leadership trainer with an impressive international reputation in leadership development and transforming corporate cultures.

37 Face to face: Kim Campbell – Business in the DNA
From Auckland’s unitary plan, to transport, working capital, energy pricing and water, EMA chief executive Kim Campbell harnesses his forensic interest in business to advocate for positive policies for New Zealand organisations. He talks with Ruth Le Pla.

40 Executive Lifestlye: Volvo
Once nice and nerdy… but just look at them now: Volvo V40 T5 R-Design.

42 Professional Development Guide
NZ Management magazine’s bi-annual guide to executive development courses.

The Director
61 Jon Mayson: Outspoken and unbowed
Jon Mayson has slipped seamlessly from successful chief executive to chairman of several boards. But he’s disappointed with the governance practices he’s found in many boardrooms. He talks to Reg Birchfield.
• The paradox of IPOs
• Going down the path less travelled … the diversity ‘way forward’

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