New series: Stories of NZ enterprise success
NZ Management presents major new series. Starting in this issue, leading New Zealand business journalist Vicki Jayne conducts an eight-part sector-by-sector review of the underlying drivers of success in key parts of New Zealand’s economy.

Power Plays
Who wins in the NZ energy game?

Fossil fuels vs renewables, public vs private ownership; as New Zealand’s three state owned energy generation companies prepare for their star turn on the asset shopping block, Vicki Jayne sheds light on the energy sector’s pivotal role in our economy.


Productivity Series: Part 3
Better ways to measure NZ’s productivity
What’s measured can be managed. But what if the measures are wrong? Reg Birchfield reviews the metrics used to track New Zealand’s productive performance and economic wellbeing.

Leadership: Vulnerable leaders
Leaders who show their soft underbelly command far more trust than those who refuse to countenance alternatives. Ruth Le Pla finds out why humility equals greatness when it comes to leading others.

Face to Face: Frank Owen – On failing intelligently
Iconic Christchurch company Tait Communications recently launched its new brand without that ‘radio’ word in it. Ruth Le Pla talks with its MD Frank Owen about legacies, the significance of new thinking and why failing intelligently is good for business.

Executive Travel: Travelling roadshow
Keith Stewart checks out how to stay sharp and survive international travel.

NZIM’s Focus On Management
21st century skills – relating across cultures and nationalities; Member comment from Jody Kelly; Regional news; Upcoming management courses.

INBOX: News and views
FOCUS: IncrediblEdge summit, Fairfax Media/AdMedia Agency of the Year Awards
AS I SEE IT: Russell Little
NZIM: Management’s new world Reg Birchfield


POLITICS: Winston: foregone conclusion?
Colin James
ECONOMICS: Tax: Key’s elephant in the room
Bob Edlin
LEADERSHIP: Paradoxical leaders
Reg Birchfield
THOUGHT LEADER: Dr Seuss’ lessons for my son
Dan Walker
BOOKCASE: Great by choice; The map of meaning
Reg Birchfield


TOP TIPS: How to go psychometric Paul Robinson

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Paying with your face

Imagine walking into a store, picking up your items and paying just by looking at a screen. This is already a reality in China thanks to facial recognition payment technology.

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