CONTENTS: MAY 2007 Vol 54 No3

Cover Story Private Equity – Public interest
Why all the recent hype about private equity? What does it mean for the New Zealand economy? And should more managers get used to the idea they may end up working for less transparent ownership group? by Ruth Le Pla

Ace to Face Michael Ahie – Unlocking Trapped Talent
Michael Ahie is waging commercial and cultural crusade to unleash Mori economic potential. Get this one sorted, he believes, and the benefits will cascade throughout the land. by Ruth Le Pla

People Management Telling Tales at Work – The low-down on gossip
Though typically overlooked, marginalised and erased from the official record, tales told in the workplace serve as effective communication tools that contribute to productive workplace environment. Recent research shows that story can serve variety of work-related purposes. by Janet Holmes

Human Resources Bye Bye Bullies – How to get people to want to work
Conflict, fault-finding and rights-based hierarchical structures are unproductive. Such tedious bully tactics no longer cut it. Virginia Goldblatt explains why.

Export Case Study Growth by design – The Actronic story
Having engineered its way into leading global role in its niche market, Auckland-based Actronic is now busy redesigning its own mindset. Why does the company no longer just see itself as Kiwi exporter and what is its recipe for growth? by Vicki Jayne

Information Technology Fighting Fit – Aligning IT & business strategy
Take away information technology and most businesses come to grinding halt. Why, then, do some managers still treat IT as department? Vikki Bland investigates the importance of aligning IT and business strategies.

Fleet Management Carrot or stick? – Sweetener or bitter pill?
Now that the Government has enshrined environmental sustainability in the New Zealand lexicon, business wants to know just how the politicians will attempt to get them onside in their latest bid to ‘green’ the economy. by Mark Peart

Tertiary Institutions Professional Development Guide
Education & training dourses for semester two, 2007.


• InTouch

• Thought Leaders
Tony Gollin
• Politics
Colin James
• Economics
Bob Edlin

• Bookcase
Ian F Grant, Vicki Jayne, Ruth Le Pla

• Techwise
Mark Evans
• Sustainability
Nick Main
• After Thought
Kevin Gaunt

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