Contents : November 2012 • Vol 59 No 10

Why diversity really matters
Tapping in to the creative energies of all people in NZ will make material difference to our wealth and future as nation. We’ve long embraced the mantra, writes Ruth Le Pla, so are we making headway?


Stories of NZ Enterprise Success
Tourism & Entertainment: Tour of duty?
NZ’s tourism sector is at the crossroads. number of initiatives are set to galvanise action. Nick Grant outlines the options.

Talent Management: The future of talent
Four business leaders talk about their very different strategies to identify and develop talent within their organisations. By Vivienne McLean.

HR Metrics: Measuring up
Strategic Pay’s latest HR metrics survey benchmarks everything from recruitment and training, to sick days, absenteeism and staff turnover. Jarrod Moyle unravels some of its findings.

Coaching: Tough stuff
Transformational thinking can help executives cut through the tyranny of the urgent to focus on what’s truly valuable for both themselves and their organisations. It’s not for the faint-hearted. So how does it work?

Face to Face: The why of work
Business leaders who tap in to employees’ reasons for fronting up to work each morning can unleash deeper levels of engagement and help create more energised workplaces.

Professional Development Guide
NZ Management’s biannual guide to education and professional development courses available from New Zealand universities, polytechnics and private training organisations.


Lesley Whyte: Championing women on boards
Doug Matheson: No executive directors
Board books: The future of boards
Iain McCormick: What I hate about boards


INBOX: News and views
AS I SEE IT: Matt Carter
ZIM: Grow your own leaders Reg Birchfield


POLITICS: Testing Shearer – and his party Colin James
ECONOMICS: Much ado on voodoo economics Bob Edlin
LEADERSHIP: Building legacy leadership Reg Birchfield
THOUGHT LEADER: Rapid robots & happy humans James Lee


EXEC HEALTH: How to bounce back Peter Tynan
TOP TIPS: How to retain talent in uncertain times Paul Robinson

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Employers turn to skills-based hiring

Ongoing skills shortages in Australia and New Zealand are negatively impacting organisational performance, the economy and global competitiveness. In response, 86% of hiring managers are shifting towards skills-based hiring, says

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