In the Next Society’s corporation, top management will be the company.
Everything else can be outsourced.
Increasingly, in the Next Society’s corporation, top management will, in fact, be the company. This top management’s responsibilities will cover the entire organisation’s direction, planning, strategy, values, and principles; its structure and relationships between its various members; its alliances, partnerships, and joint ventures; and its research, design, and innovation.
Establishing new corporate persona calls for change in the corporation’s values. And that may well be the most important task for top management. In the half century after the Second World War, the business corporation has brilliantly proven itself as an economic organisation, as creator of wealth and jobs. In the Next Society, the biggest challenge for the large company and especially for the multinational may be its social legitimacy – its values, its mission, its vision. Everything else can be outsourced.
Action point: Focus on your organisation’s values, mission, and vision, and consider outsourcing everything else.
Extracted from Peter Drucker’s book The Daily Drucker.