Demand for graduates increasing

The number of graduate vacancies on the NZUniCareerHub website to the end of April has doubled compared to the same time last year and nearly 60 percent more employers were using the website to advertise internships, scholarships and graduate positions. The website, is run by University Career Advisers of New Zealand (UCANZ) which represents Lincoln, Massey, Auckland, AUT, Canterbury, Otago and Victoria universities.

UCANZ spokesperson Liz Medford, manager of career development and employment services at Victoria University, attributes the growing demand to recognition among employers of all sizes of the value that graduates add to business.

More than 19,000 students around New Zealand have registered to use CareerHub. More than 900 employers are also registered and use the services for participating in campus career expos, employer presentations and advertising to specific student target groups or courses.

The increase in graduate vacancies follows global trends, says Medford. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers in the US, employers are planning to hire 19.3 percent more new university graduates this year than in 2010.

Similarly in Britain, the Association of Graduate Recruiters is predicting that new graduate vacancies will increase by 3.8 percent. Worldwide, the accounting and ICT industries appear particularly buoyant with organisations such as Deloitte and KPMG planning to hire 250,000 employees globally over the next five years, whilst Google intends to recruit 6000 new employees this year.

For more information contact Liz Medford on [email protected] or (04) 463 5390 or visit


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