What, exactly, is the tipping point for an important new management model? When does new way of thinking become mainstream management practice rather than fad or even trend with finite life expectancy? For example, at what point did quality management make the cross over from great idea to essential process? Sustainable and socially responsible management still has it critics, those who pooh pooh it as economic and commercial naivety. Practices like triple-bottom-line reporting and other manifestations of thinking differently about business and its place in both the economy and society, are still in the minority – despite the best endeavours of consultants, legislators and regulators to either sell or impose the concepts.
Associate editor Vicki Jayne was dispatched to report on the state of play. Just how far has management moved to make sustainable and responsible practices fact of everyday management life? We wanted to know to what extent sustainability and social responsibility have infiltrated the lexicon of New Zealand management. Also, how well understood is it and how widely practised? What she found is contained in our cover story in this issue starting on page 26. Sustainable and responsible is not as easy to embed in the management process as quality – but there are lot more long term and important global issues hanging off it. Every manager and organisational leader needs to be thinking about it.
And changing management practices have breathed new life into our local authorities. They are striving for excellence, adopting best practice processes, benchmarking themselves against the best in the business, not just locally but internationally, and they are becoming places where talented and ambitious managers want to work and make difference. What has fired this revolution in local body government management? Why not turn to the story on page 45 to find out?
This month we introduce an important new column to Management magazine. What goes on in Government Select Committees might be mystery to some but they are now critical part of the political decision-making powerhouses. You need to know who is saying what and how their deliberations might impact your organisation and business sector. Now you can read Julie Collier’s ‘In Committee’ column every month. Then, if you want more you can access comprehensive reports of the Select Committee hearings by turning to our website. Read on.
What would Scooby do?
If you want to learn how to be a great manager, get a DOG (Doctorate in Organisational Greatness), writes Steve Scott, as he points to eight lessons every leader can