When earlier this year Fortune magazine brought out an issue passing on the years of wisdom of some of America’s top corporate minds, we knew we had to do something similar here in New Zealand. For, as we knew, the boardrooms of New Zealand are packed with people happy to share their learnings. While often asked to share their thoughts on matters of policy, strategy and tactics, they are seldom pressed on what guides them through the mass of daily business decisions that colour their lives.
We asked them to do three simple things: to share some of the best advice they had ever been given; to tell us who gave them that advice; and, if possible, how it has helped them in their careers. Their responses, starting on page 28 in this month’s cover story “Laying down the lore”, are notable for their honesty, humility and humour.
Tourism New Zealand chief executive George Hickton remembers being taken aside as young man and warned of the dangers of losing perspective about work. The advice, he says, shapes his thoughts to this day. Among other pearls of advice, Telecom chairman Roderick Deane was told to work closely with the best in his field, talk less, listen more and be careful what he said to politicians and the media. Leadership New Zealand chairman Jo Brosnahan told us of defining moment in her life that set her off on trail of discovery around leadership issues. Many of today’s leaders paid tribute to their parents. Several male respondents credit their wives with pithy, and often hilarious, words of wisdom.
By coincidence, this month also marks the close-off for entries to this year’s NZIM/Eagle Technology Young Executive of the Year Award. Originally set up by NZIM and Management magazine, and this year with new sponsor Eagle Technology on board, the Young Executive of the Year Award recognises and celebrates stand-out individuals who are prepared to go beyond perceived limitations, to embrace emerging practices, and search out new opportunities, while demonstrating excellence in leadership and management practice.
Nominees must be New Zealand citizens aged 35 or younger at the entry closing date of Friday 19 August. They must also have been employed by their organisation for more than six months and hold middle or senior management position. Past winners have included Anushiya Ayingaran from the Nurse Maude Association, Mike Sang from Airways Corporation and Andre McLeod from Public Health South. Turn to page 26 of this issue for more details on the award or go to www.management.co.nz/top200/youngexec.htm to download nomination form.
Who knows? Twenty years on, this year’s NZIM/Eagle Technology Young Executive of the Year Award winner could be passing on their words of advice to the next crop of young managers.

Complex cyber threat environment reflected in NCSC report
A new report highlights that 7,122 cyber security incidents were recorded in NZ the year to 30 June 2024, 343 of which were triaged for specialist technical support because of