9 Communicating with Digital Toolbox. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
9-10″ target=”_blank”>www.prinz.org.nz
9-10 Systems Thinking. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
11″ target=”_blank”>www.conferenz.co.nz
11 Digital Communications. Auckland. PRINZ.
14-15″ target=”_blank”>www.iod.org.nz
14-15 Finance for Non-Financial Managers. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
14-15″ target=”_blank”>www.shortcourses.ac.nz
14-15 Strategically Influencing Across Your Organisation for Women in Business. Auckland. Conferenz.
16″ target=”_blank”>www.davidforman.co.nz
16 Governance Essentials. Auckland. Institute of Directors.
16-17″ target=”_blank”>www.prinz.org.nz
16-17 Influencing & Persuading Skills. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
16-18″ target=”_blank”>www.shortcourses.ac.nz
16-18 FranklinCovey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Wellington.
21-22″ target=”_blank”>www.shortcourses.ac.nz
21-22 Time Management. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
21-23″ target=”_blank”>www.conferenz.co.nz
21-23 Presentation Skills. Wellington. David Forman.
22-23″ target=”_blank”>www.projectplusgroup.com
22-23 Leadership Behaviours that Make Difference. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
23-24″ target=”_blank”>www.prinz.org.nz
23-24 Project Management. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
24″ target=”_blank”>www.shortcourses.ac.nz
24 Effective Communications for Public Participation. Auckland. PRINZ.
28-29″ target=”_blank”>www.shortcourses.ac.nz
28-29 Business Writing Skills. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
28-July” target=”_blank”>www.davidforman.co.nz
28-July 2 PRINCE2 Project Management Training. Wellington. method360.
30-July” target=”_blank”>www.iod.org.nz
30-July 1 Procurement Management. Auckland.
University of Auckland Short Courses.
1-2″ target=”_blank”>www.shortcourses.ac.nz
1-2 Multiple Priorities and Time Management. Auckland. Conferenz. www.conferenz.co.nz

M9 event to amplify the power of the Māori economy
M9 will kick-start its 2025 season with Te Ōhanga Māori — A Pathway to Prosperity, on April 10, exploring how Māori have shaped and continue to drive the success of the economy in