When are the most effective post times for various kinds of social media? Social Media Today blog has some advice on optimal moments to let your fingers do the talking.
Twitter: at noon, 5pm and 6pm midweek and on weekends.
Facebook: Saturday morning is the optimal time for any post, although those posted around noon also get more traffic.
Blogs: Monday morning is the best time.
The lesson for marketers: Social media (like email) has become kind of adult homework. The optimal times match the times when busy professionals have few minutes to browse the web and catch up on things they just don’t have time for during the workday. Scheduling your social media posts can increase results – and repeating Tweets helps too. And it’s easy to test your own audience’s reaction to posts made at different times of day to find the optimal time for your content. M
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If you want to learn how to be a great manager, get a DOG (Doctorate in Organisational Greatness), writes Steve Scott, as he points to eight lessons every leader can