Beca’s Christchurch office is winner in the health stakes – with an incredible 79 percent of staff signing up to bike to work as part of the New Zealand Transport Agency initiative, the Bike Wise Challenge.
The NZTA initiative encourages people to give biking go and is open to any organisation, with goal of encouraging as many staff as possible to ride bike for at least two kilometres, or 10 minutes, during Bike Wise Month.
Among the staff at Beca’s Christchurch office were 22 new cyclists. In total they went for 1344 rides during Bike Wise month 2010, covering 21,621 kilometres.
Ditching the car and biking to work has been proven to raise productivity, foster better teamwork and also provides the obvious benefits of better health and fitness, less congestion and less pollution.
Bike Wise Month is coming up in February and more information on the initiative and the events being held to support it is available at

Complex cyber threat environment reflected in NCSC report
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