Dunedin employers looking to hire migrant staff are getting help in the form of an Employing Migrants Successfully information pack that can be customised to their needs.
The new pack of resources has been developed by Dunedin Settlement Support New Zealand coordinator Fi McKay, who is based with the Dunedin City Council’s Economic Development Unit. The pack merges the EDU’s own locally developed material with information from several different agencies and will help new migrant workers settle in the city.
“We recognise that not every employer is the same. Larger employers often have HR resources whereas small to medium employers usually don’t, so the pack is designed to be tailored to their requirements,” says McKay.
“To make sure employers get what they need, someone will meet with them to discuss what their pack should contain so it is relevant to their industry and their business.”
The information pack concept was developed because it became apparent that employers and recruitment agencies were largely unaware of the resources and tools available to assist them to attract, settle and retain migrant employees. M

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