Inbox: Emirates recycles funds to green projects

Emirates has allocated US$150,000 to support environmental or conservation projects in an initiative called ‘A Greener Tomorrow’. The funding opportunity is open to any established not-for-profit environmental or conservation organisation to support project with clear environmental outcomes.
Funds for the initiative have been raised through internal recycling programmes across the Emirates Group. Emirates recycles more than five million kilograms of materials year across various programmes in Dubai.
Applicants for ‘A Greener Tomorrow’ will be assessed through two stages of review. Proposal submissions will first be evaluated by an Emirates committee comprised of senior Emirates executives, members of the environment department and selection of EmChamps (staff of the Emirates Group with passion for environmental issues). Submissions that meet the awarding criteria and committee review will be invited to the second stage where they will present their project proposal in greater detail to the Emirates committee for final review. 
Emirates has an innovative approach to environment issues – from recycling tonnes of obsolete aircraft chinaware into an oyster bed in Dubai, to applying new air traffic management practices around the airline’s network that reduce fuel burn and carbon dioxide emissions, to conserving habitats in Dubai and Australia.
The airline is responsible for the establishment of the 225 square kilometre Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve and was pioneer in eco-tourism with the Wolgan Valley Resort in Australia, 1680 hectare wildlife conservancy adjacent to the World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park. 
“With the success of the Emirates recycling programme, we were faced with an enviable position – how to utilise these funds and invest back in the community,” said Andrew Parker, senior vice president of public, industry, international and environment affairs. “Reflecting Emirates’ belief that sustainability is necessary, not choice, Greener Tomorrow focuses on supporting not-for profit organisations to achieve clear environmental outcomes and deliverables.”
 More information and the initiative criteria can be found at: Those wanting to nominate an organisation can send the organisation’s name, email address and contact telephone number to [email protected]. M

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