Practical insights, techniques and case studies for ensuring success are on offer at an upcoming symposium in Wellington.
Project-based management services company Project Plus is running the NZ PMO Symposium 2012: “Driving business value through maturity”.
To be held on Thursday July 19 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Wellington, the event will explore portfolio, programme and project management offices (PMOs) from basic design through to value-adding enterprise entities.
A series of interactive sessions will offer practical insights, techniques and examples of how to design, set up and run portfolio, programme and project offices that are sustainable in the value they offer.
MC-ed by Karen Clarke, general manager NZ Ops for Project Plus, the symposium will include presentations and perspectives from:
• Iain Fraser, CEO of Project Plus;
• An ANZ Bank economist;
• Peter Reutlinger, general manager, EPMO, ASB Bank;
• Rommy Musch, chair, PMI PMO Community of Practice;
• Craig Bunyan, consulting programme director;
• Sean Whitaker, president PMI NZ;
• Steven Cook, EPMO director, NZ Defence Force; and
• Christian Carter, PMO manager, Transpower.
All participants will receive copy of ‘The Program Management Office Handbook’ with foreword written by Project Plus CEO Iain Fraser.
Cost: $290 per person (excluding GST). For more information and to register go to M
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