INTOUCH: Diplock Re-elected

Securities Commission chairman Jane Diplock has been re-elected chair of the executive committee of IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) for third term.
IOSCO has over 100 members and is recognised by the international financial community as the global standards setter for securities regulation. Its members regulate over 90 percent of the world’s capital markets.
“I am very pleased to have the opportunity to continue our contribution to IOSCO,” Diplock Says. “It is an honour for New Zealand to be recognised at such an important international level, acknowledging the development of our own regulatory framework in line with international best practice.”
IOSCO has recently published review of the Code of Conduct for credit rating agencies and report on the sub-prime crisis from the securities markets’ perspective.
Diplock will continue to chair the New Zealand Securities Commission during her two-year IOSCO term.

For information see

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