The ageing workforce could be blessing for many employers, says the author of report into further learning. Professor Brian Findsen, the director of Waikato University’s Pathways College, has just published research into adult education, which was completed during his time working at Glasgow University in Scotland. The research was commissioned by the West of Scotland Wider Access Forum, which wanted to know more about how to give older people better access to further learning.
The results showed one of the reasons for further learning is for change of career. “Some people think ‘I’ve always wanted to do this and at last I can’, others simply want to pick up new knowledge, while others use further learning as way to increase their chances of promotion at work,” Findsen says. “A lot of people are doing it for combination of these reasons with the added value of then being able to change jobs.”
And although there isn’t similar New Zealand research, Findsen says the findings are applicable here. And he says some New Zealand employers are beginning to realise the usefulness of the grey workforce as the ageing population increases. “For long time they have thought ‘Why would I employ someone of 55-60 years of age?’ But those people have tremendous life experience and they do provide very stable and flexible workforce.”
He says in times of recession and then rebuilding, cautious businesses may feel more comfortable about taking on stable but enthusiastic older workers who have had career change.
Findsen says one of New Zealand’s greatest advantages for adult education is the open entry to universities for people over 25, and the flexibility of part-time study. “If you really believe in lifelong learning, you need to structure universities and other institutions so people can come in when it
suits them.”
Findsen began as director at Pathways College last April. Pathways
runs Waikato University’s continuing education courses, certificate programmes to prepare people for university, learning support for all students, and English language programmes. About 4000 people year enrol
with Continuing Education, the adult education section of Waikato
Pathways College.
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