The business of climate change is already growing rapidly and promises to generate even more jobs than revenue.
That’s according to research by investment bank HSBC which has been totting up the revenues of listed companies operating in the “climate-change sector” – such as those working in the renewable energy area, making low-carbon or energy-efficient products and dealing with water and pollution management.
It found that in the past year, that sector grew by 75 percent to US$530 billion and if it continues to grow at the rate it has over the past few years, it will hit the US$27 trillion mark by 2020. And while climate sales represented 1.6 percent of revenue for the 2400 companies included in its overall count, climate jobs represented three percent of employment.
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In the current economic climate many employees are worried about their income and job security which can fuel workplace anxiety that leads to wellbeing and productivity issues. Sarah Bills writes that