Mind Management Keep Focused – and make life easier

The average person is faced with an increasing agenda of commitments and pressures – family, financial, career and time management to name just few. Life in this 21st century is never ending portfolio of distractions delivered daily, even hourly, by emails and mobile phones. The technology adds to the heavy load on individual performance and behaviour, demanding instant responses and quick decisions.
Do you find yourself asking questions like; where am I going and what is the purpose of the journey? Are we, I wonder, demanding too much of our physical and emotional being? We are built to cope with all sorts of pressures and demands but too much can hold us back from really achieving.
By developing the art of ‘focus’ we can make life lot easier and simultaneously achieve the desired end result. The discipline can also help individuals avoid heart disease caused by excessive competitive drive, aggressive behaviour, impatience and the tyranny of time. Learning to focus is valuable skill, one that can help you make quantum leap in your life. Take your focus off the task at hand and the end result will diminish in direct proportion.
Here are 10 rules to help you focus with greater clarity of purpose:

1. Concentrate on the vital few rather than on the trivial many: Be specific and concentrate on the larger things in life. As they say in the best management books: “don’t sweat the small stuff”.

2. Be committed to definite path: Be accurate about what you want to accept and understand how you intend to accomplish it. Be committed to realising your objective and not to the distraction caused by other people’s agendas. They serve only to blur your focus.

3. Discard old habits: They will hold you back. Habits are simply behaviour adjustments done automatically. Become more disciplined in your mind management and develop good habits that will help you achieve your desired results. Good habits determine your quality of life.

4. Develop personal power: Personal power keeps you in control of your life and undertakings. cheap camera properly focused produces better results than an expensive one that is not focused. When we drift from the point of focus the goal becomes blurred and we go nowhere.

5. Reinforce your mental strengths and abilities: Focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t do.

6. Analyse what you want to accomplish: Decide what is important to accomplish in specific time frame. Don’t strive to accomplish too much or to participate in too many events in the time allotted.

7. Have clear vision of exactly where you are going: Without vision, focus is unnecessary and irrelevant. Once you have the vision, then plan. Follow up with action and persistence. These ingredients are the power behind focus.

8. Concentrate on what you are good at: Do this and life becomes less stressful. Develop the many talents you possess. Your actions will create the vital positive energy necessary to pursue even greater and bigger goals.

9. Be persistent: Determination is an important prerequisite to focus and provides another string to your bow. Persistence overcomes the obstacles and challenges you will encounter and will help you climb the mountain of life.

10. Release clutter: Let go of all the non-productive garbage in your life and move forward. Start with only what is necessary to accomplish your tasks or goals. Along the way pick up only those extras that will assist you to reach your goals.

Socrates was once asked the road to Mt Olympus. He answered profoundly: “Make sure that every step is in that direction.” Your eyes are located in the front of your head because that is the direction you are supposed to be headed. Make sure your every step goes in that direction.

Charles Donoghue APS, FNZIM is an Auckland-based author, performance psychology coach and business consultant. Email:[email protected], www.donoghuedynamics.com

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