Mind Management Performance Psychology – How to retune organisational mind power

While watching the varying fortunes of global economic indicators, it’s important to remember that successful businesses do well even in bad times and the not-so-smart still lose money in good times.
Tapping into people power and understanding performance psychology is critical to the successful implementation of any major business changes. powerful tool for effecting major life changes, performance psychology encompasses the self image (the perception we have of ourselves), and self esteem (which affects what we feel we can contribute).
In business these major life changes have five premises:

1. Ideas and their sources Most people have greater creative ability than they believe and creative thinking can best be stimulated by group participation. Once members have experienced mental change in their belief system through performance psychology they can be encouraged to tap into their hidden genius. Being creative and developing new ideas is natural; it also reduces stress and brings about improved mental health by stimulating the brain’s neurons.

2. Thinking the impossible It is falsely held notion that you need to be learned or intelligent to be great thinker. At school we win points by demonstrating our fluency of language or our knowledge. The error here is to think that the knowledge is sufficient in itself, making any further exploration of the topic or situation unnecessary. So is creativity stifled. This often happens in business where ‘expert’ advice is given and accepted – the opportunity to explore it for other ideas is lost. To think the impossible requires one to become thinker as opposed to an intellectual. Thinking is skill that can easily be learned. Great thinkers ask other people for their ideas so that they can open their minds to permutation of ideas.
Some corporate decision makers simply state their on something up front and then spend the remainder of their report defending that position instead of absorbing all the negative or positive feedback and other ideas or possibilities.

3. People will flood you with ideas if you let them An earlier “mind management” article talked about “feeling significant”. The greatest gift management can give staff is to make them feel good about themselves. Everyone wants to know their contribution is important. Staff need to be involved in many of the company’s problems and be offered the opportunity to contribute. When management and staff understand these principles, dramatic results come from staff having unlimited belief in themselves.

4. Breaking hierarchical communication filters The basic business concept is that of making profit for the company. Therefore the principle of communication becomes more important when placed in the context of the profit-making process. More emphasis must be made of the communication rationale, how we communicate and the purpose behind the communication. Old-style management hierarchies stifle this process because they limit two-way communication flow. Good communication is an art that can be learned but new approach is needed. Instead of, “That’s great idea but here’s what I think,” it should be “Tell me more so that I can consider other options or ideas.” Only when we have better understanding of the other person can we communicate effectively. Theywill play the role you set. If you begin positively, they will be more likely to respond positively. People respond to the way you recognise them.

5. The ability of everyone in the organisation to promote the business Promoting the business must be priority of every employee. To achieve this, staff must understand and feel enrolled in the notion of business continuity. This can be accomplished when everyone is encouraged to support the idea and given recognition for their efforts. Team leadership starts at the top with the building of relationships and effective communication with every sector of the business. Contributing follows recognition, and contribution stems from commitment and sense of responsibility.
Opportunities are ever present and the future has never looked so good for those businesses that don’t just look for opportunities but make their own. M

Charles Donoghue APS, FNZIM is an Auckland-based author, performance psychology coach and business consultant. Email:[email protected], www.donoghuedynamics.com

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