Top 200 : NZIM/Eagle Technology Young Executive of the Year Jono Brent – High achieving

After several years with Deloitte, Jono Brent, qualified chartered accountant, joined Christchurch’s City Care (a construction and maintenance business) in 2003. He began as management accountant for the roading, water and wastewater businesses before being promoted year later as the company’s financial controller and part of the management team. In August last year, Brent was promoted to the senior executive team of City Care in his current role as national business development manager. This role involves the strategic management of the company’s growth and strategic positioning, management of the company’s communications team and management of key customer accounts on behalf of the company.
During the past two years he has led teams which successfully gained around $30 million per annum of new work and in new locations for the company. This puts the company ahead of its 10-year growth targets.
One of the largest projects he has been part of over the past two years is the development of the company’s first 10-year strategic plan. This involved the development of detailed market knowledge of all opportunities over the next five to 10 years, knowledge of City Care’s competitors’ positioning including SWOT analysis on each, market needs analysis in each of the four market segments City Care operates in, detailed analysis of City Care’s current position including in-depth SWOT analysis and development of 10-year financial projection models with scenario analysis.
Brent describes himself as an extrovert and says he enjoys leading groups. He says it’s hard to describe his leadership style as he may have “different opinion” from those he works with but, when pushed, says he is “pretty open leader with tendency to be bit controlling by wanting to have control over all aspects – something I work on to not happen”.
He says the thing he has learned most over the past two years is the need to coach and develop others as part of developing great teams and company success.
“I have responsibility for small team of four who are all reasonably new to the organisation. I believe my role is not only delivering on my responsibilities but giving them all the tools they need to complete their jobs effectively and efficiently.”
Outside City Care, Brent is involved with Christchurch Boys’ High School’s Year 12 and 13 business management curriculum, presenting speeches to the boys, acting as mentor for the Young Enterprise Scheme, and offering City Care and himself for case studies and feedback on assignments and projects.
Brent says, “I have worked pretty hard over the past few years to make sure everything I undertake is success for the company and something I can be proud of! I think all those hours have paid off and I was honoured to be nominated for this award by my CEO.”


We were looking for young executive who stood out as future leader in New Zealand; who as much as possible had all of the different facets that we would expect in successful executive. The candidates were all impressive and we anticipate they will all have very successful careers in their fields. They all have something special to contribute to New Zealand. It was important to note too that they all have strong family values.

Jono Brent

Business development manager, Christchurch City Care
Christchurch City Care’s business development manager Jono Brent is young executive with comprehensive set of talents. He is self aware, with lots of heart and humility. He also has an honest and refreshing understanding of his own performance and of the balance between risk and opportunity. Brent is an all-round, high-achieving young executive who has been important to the success of his company. He may be young, but he is already showing the breadth and depth of executive capability that will ensure his ongoing success.

Jason Attewell

Project manager, Statistics New Zealand
Wellington-based Jason Attewell is passionate about his chosen career field of statistics. But he is also natural leader with impressive interpersonal skills. Attewell is confident and sincere. He attributes his success to achieving through others. He has enormous potential and is young leader we are bound to see more of.

Mark Callander

General manager, Slingshot
Mark Callander is Auckland-based general manager of Slingshot. He is natural marketer with driving passion to succeed. He is intensely operational but also innovative and creative. Callander has clear understanding of the importance of brand development and belief in the value of building team and surrounding himself with good people.

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