While it’s been tough year, salary increases continue to outpace inflation, according to Moyle Consulting’s 2010 Salary Review.
It shows three percent increase in base pay across all levels of staff during 2009 – however only 61 percent of organisations provided increases compared with 97 percent the previous year. The review found that 51 percent of organisations gave increases to their senior managers.
Most survey respondents anticipate that salaries will rise over the coming year with 80 percent expecting to increase pay while the remainder anticipate no changes – either up or down. Job prospects also look more cheerful with 31 percent of organisations planning to increase staff and just 11 percent planning staff reductions (compared to 30 percent last year).
Pay prospects are worst in finance/banking, health and public sectors (2-2.8 percent projected pay increase) and best in construction/property (3.3 percent) and export/import (3.5 percent).
Last year’s happy faces were in engineering/contracting and computing IT (reporting five percent increases).

Employers turn to skills-based hiring
Ongoing skills shortages in Australia and New Zealand are negatively impacting organisational performance, the economy and global competitiveness. In response, 86% of hiring managers are shifting towards skills-based hiring, says