UPfront DHL’s talent express

The local division of global freight company DHL Express has found itself with an unexpected export – its staff.
The company has long-established programme for Kiwi employees to gain overseas positions. Lately the demand from offshore has increased dramatically with number of locals being chosen for senior overseas postings.
DHL Express general manager Phil Rountree puts it down, at least in part, to the legendary Kiwi can-do attitude – an attribute valued by offshore employers. But he also sees it as compliment to the company’s staff development programmes.
DHL has, he says, always regarded its staff as the key drivers in helping achieve business growth and believes development of comprehensive human resource programme for its 450 employees is one of the reasons why they’re proving popular throughout the worldwide organisation.
The programme includes career planning and intensive leadership training plus provision of full-time trainer, scholarship opportunities and study support. The company also conducts an annual employee opinion survey to evaluate internal perceptions of the programme and modifies activities accordingly.
Expats now hold senior roles with DHL throughout Asia and the Pacific, Saudi Arabia, Brussels, and Jordan.

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