For the June issue of Management magazine Jim Robinson is examining the concept of the chief executive as brand in their own right. Just how much power does the CEO add by being fully aligned with the company brand? And how to best do it?

Give us your opinion.
Tell us of CEO who you consider to be brand and what makes them different to other CEOsYour name (optional)Your title (optional) Your company (optional)Are you happy to be contacted for further comment in the magazine? Yes/No
If yes, what is your phone number or email address?
Email responses by May 16 to [email protected] or go to and hit the survey button. The best answers will be published
in the June issue.

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Two new BEIA board members welcomed

Two new members have been welcomed to the Business Events Industry Aotearoa (BEIA) board following the organisation’s AGM. BEIA, which is the official membership-based association of New Zealand’s business events

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Forming partnerships with Māori business

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How to overcome remote onboarding challenges

First impressions matter and employees’ early experiences heavily influence staff retention, productivity, and overall success. Shannon Karaka outlines eight actions to help improve remote employee onboarding in your organisation. A

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