UpFront We’re on the job

New Zealand is right up there when it comes to employment.
With Americans increasingly upset that their jobs are being exported to other countries, particularly India and China, futurologist Roger Herman points out that researchers studying job migration expect only about 200,000 US jobs will move offshore.
Now with the total number of people employed in the US standing at 183.3 million that’s hardly drop in the Indian Ocean.
What’s more, the most recent comparison of employment as percentage of the working-age population shows that America ranks number two behind The Netherlands with 63.8 and 63.9 of their respective working age populations employed.
What has that got to do with New Zealand? Well, with 61.5 percent of our working-age population employed we rank number six in the world, just behind Singapore, Norway and Denmark and two places ahead of Australia on 60.3.
In Italy and Spain, less than half of the working-age population was employed at last count.

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