Talking to CEOs of organisations around New Zealand this year, I’ve noticed that more of these conversations are turning to the intangibles of business – social responsibility and the future of New Zealand.
Many managers are deeply concerned about the environment and how their businesses interact with it. And yes, we do need to be concerned, and not just because we are at risk of fouling our own nests.
Overseas, public pressure is forcing businesses to make their supply chain more environmentally sound, and New Zealand products are often along that supply chain. European consumer’s demands for sustainability and pangs of conscience about air miles reverberate across the globe until they create shock-waves in the south Pacific. Sustainability consultancy Envirostate’s founder Calum Revfem is at the fore of drive to move New Zealand’s reporting standards to those recognised overseas. “This is coming our way in New Zealand,” he warns on page 40. “We want to be at the forefront.”
But, as leading figures become more aware of sustainability and start to form groups to drive real change (the 100% Plan group is one example, the NZ Council for Sustainable Business another), bigger picture emerges (A cleantech future, page 26).
As other nations race to embrace cleantech – technologies that can change the world for the better – New Zealand risks being left behind, as areas where we have traditionally excelled are being exploited by our competitors. In thorough analysis of where we stand on cleantech, Vicki Jayne echoes the warning of many of our senior business people. We run very real risk of eroding our existing clean-green branding, and of missing wave of cleantech innovation that could transform our economy.
Can we catch the cleantech express, Jayne asks. Yes. All it requires is bit of joined-up thinking and clear strategic direction.
Management Digital Issue – January 2025
Kickstart 2025 with inspiration and actionable insights from Management magazine’s January issue.