Are you “gutsy, groovy grad looking for funky, full-on future?”

If you are, Vodafone wants you on board and is busy branding its company with the express purpose of attracting you. It’s part of growing international trend that has seen more companies using brands to woo employees as well as customers.

As competition for top talent revs up, so do corporate efforts to attract it – making recruitment drives look increasingly like marketing campaigns.

Vodafone is good local example of what is becoming fairly widespread practice, according to Vaughan Bradley, director of Haines NZ.

“They’re looking to attract graduates by marketing their brand values through website that’s designed in modern, zesty, vibrant style. They also use lot of online banner ads because that’s technology younger people use more.

“Another move was to have models in Vodafone t-shirts handing out promotional sheets outside targeted lecture theatres. It’s all to support recruitment drive.”

Also jumping on the job branding wagon are local bodies keen to add some pizazz to what is often perceived as somewhat dull working environment. Recent print ads by such bodies as Auckland City, North Shore and Rodney Council emphasise employment qualities such as innovation, challenge, customer focus, and lifestyle advantages.

Concern about the dwindling skill pool in various regions of New Zealand has also prompted areas like Southland to brand themselves as positive employment destinations.

Keys to successful HR branding campaign are much the same as for any other branding effort – defined promise, consistent message, and unified design for use in either print or interactive media. It’s also good idea to ensure brand promise is grounded in reality.

Selling jobs on false promise is good recipe for dissatisfying both employer and employee.

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Employers turn to skills-based hiring

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