Remember when mobile ate the internet? Guess what? Robots and Artificial Intelligence are here.
Data and analytics are transformational, yet many companies are capturing only a fraction of their value. The extent of digitalisation varies by industry, and is progressing unevenly among companies, industries and countries.
What is the potential of AI and automation in the workplace? Artificial Intelligence, or “cognitive computing”, is improving business outcomes by expanding human expertise and improving decision making across industries and professions. The good news, is the future is here and we’re working with AI already.
Advances in AI and machine learning herald a new era of innovation and opportunity. Learn from some of the best and brightest minds in AI and Automation about what’s happening now and what’s coming next.
Presenting IBM research followed by a panel of futurists from NZ and Australia please join us in this interactive event where we will discuss this topic and demonstrate how cognitive solutions are already transforming organisations today and what steps we can take to harness the unprecedented opportunity this new era of technology presents.
The FOW is an active and ongoing conversation. Join IBM and IMNZ in this interactive and informative event
Auckland When: 5:00 (for a 5:30pm start) – 7pm on |
Wellington When: 12:00 (for a 12:30pm start) – 2pm on |