What your business Can do for Nature

Growing a sustainable digital future

New Zealand’s economic future must rest with sustainable, high-value tech jobs producing goods and services with a much-reduced carbon footprint, writes Graeme Muller.   Hi-tech and digital technologies can help

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Strategic pay unsplash

Does incentive pay have a future

The rapidly changing economic environment over the past few years has driven organisations to rethink their remuneration strategies to better attract, retain and incentivise employees. During the first year of

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Making sustainable practices work

The challenge of decarbonising is one that requires concerted action – from the collective top tier through government policy and regulatory change, to organisations rethinking and redesigning ways of working,

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Management November 2022

  Modern Slavery: Why your organisation needs to address the issue How a Zero Trust approach protects your people and your data How security technology can make hybrid work more

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Making work from home… workable

Kate Kearins delves into how leaders can support colleagues to approach their work from home days more effectively. Before the pandemic, work-from-home was largely considered either an ideal or an

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A more inclusive tech sector

Work is underway to introduce new pathways into tech careers but they all rely on companies willing to get involved and take on apprentices or graduate interns. By Graeme Muller.

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A new tomorrow for geoscience technology

The world faces a series of seemly intractable mega challenges – transition energy, climate, societal expectations of sustainability, mobility, infrastructure, resource scarcity, to name a few. And there are geoscientists

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Wage pressure is taking off

While wage inflation and CPI do not directly correlate, the massive jump in cost of living, coupled with low unemployment, has resulted in the biggest change in salary movement at general

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Management August 2022

A new tomorrow for geoscience technology Understanding the weight on security leaders’ shoulders The value of virtue: Why Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s crisis leadership has been so effective The future of work requires

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Who is minding the gap?

The gender pay gap is alive and well in 2022. By Cathy Parker I am writing this on International Women’s Day (IWD) after watching a stimulating webcast from Global Women

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Embracing a culture of care

Public Trust is a self-funded autonomous Crown Entity employing more than 400 people and, as an essential service, it has continued to deliver its services during various alert level settings

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Cultivating curiosity helps retain talent

New Zealand companies that foster a more curious culture experience major competitive benefits, including higher levels of employee satisfaction and engagement, according to recent research by SAP. Capitalising on Curiosity, a

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Mind the migrant pay gap

Workplaces need to address the bias and barriers to equality faced by migrants in New Zealand. By Maretha Smit. If you were an engineer working in New Zealand in 2018,

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Chronicles of a waste engineer

While change can take many forms, it doesn’t have to be a “big-ticket” item to make a real difference to performance. It is more important to make the improvements manageable

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Management May 2022

Four effective ways to lift your productivity Are you overwhelmed with over-planning? Chronicles of a waste engineer Embracing a culture of care Mind the migrant pay gap NZ’s skill shortage

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Strategise for normality

Supply chain issues, chip shortages, inflation, the Great Resignation, staff relocating out of the cities and more. There is a great deal for directors to strategise around in 2022. By

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Up in the cloud

New Zealand is becoming more attractive as a base for cloud computing, attracting data centre investments from the world’s largest technology firms, writes Graeme Muller. Amazon Web Services has announced

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Management February 2022

Sir Jerry Mateparae: World-class leadership mana Confessions of a change-maker: What you need to know to lead change effectively Clean, green home-grown sustainability initiatives Are boards overstepping the governance mark?

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