Managing mid-winter malaise

Managing mid-winter malaise

Kate Kearins offers six ideas on how leaders can help beat that mid-winter feeling of ‘blah’ in the workplace. It’s hard to admit but we all know the feeling: work

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KMD brands tree planintingMicrosoftTeams-image (3) copy

Being a Force for Good

KMD Brands and all three  of its brands – Kathmandu, Rip Curl and Oboz – are now Certified B Corps, alongside more than 6,800 companies across 90 countries. Frances Blundell,

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Open letter to managers

An Open Letter to Leaders

Don’t go back to the office, writes Dr. Agustin Chevez. Dear Manager, It’s time for us to have an open conversation about our shared passion: helping organisations create value through

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Do Managers have too much to manage

Do managers have too much to manage?

Some 77 percent of employees are placing increased importance on manager support, but simultaneously managers have 51 percent more responsibilities than they can effectively manage, a Gartner HR survey has

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Maori tech copy

Māori-owned tech companies – report

A higher proportion of Māori technology workforces are grown within Māori-owned companies than anywhere else, according to the first Toi Hangarau: A Report on Māori-owned Technology Companies 2023. The 107-page

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Rain hail pestilence

Rain, hail and pestilence

As the country begins to emerge from the general state of shock that hit us all in January and February, Cathy Parker says there are often valuable, fresh insights to be

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Top four tips copy

Top four tips to stay secure

The changing landscape of cyber threats means that the reliance on awareness, training and detection methods alone have proven inadequate, says Chad Thunberg. The introduction of phishing-as-a-service and other sophisticated

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Allyship and making a difference

Allyship is about acknowledging and understanding inequities and taking action to help level the playing field, explains Kate Kearins.  Listening to senior business colleagues introduce themselves, I’m hearing less about

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Don’t hold your breadth

Specialisation can create steep pyramids within companies, when the route to succession and recognition should be more like a range of hills with multiple paths and options to the summit,

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AI cybersecurity

The role of AI in cybersecurity

AI solutions for enhancing an organisation’s cybersecurity are there, and they’re getting better all the time. Chris Fisher says it’s just understanding what they are and how they can be

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MGT Q2_2023_350

Management May 2023

Focus:  Is tomorrow already here? Seven questions about ChatGPT answered Climate-related weather: Quick-fix damage limitation ideas  Future workplaces: Sustainability from the outset  The privacy mistakes leaders make  

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Managing up copy

How to manage upwards

Managing up is not about blindsiding, ignoring or sidestepping your manager to seek higher Counsel. Nor is it about sucking up, demanding attention, or doing the work of a poorly

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