Management December 2016

Forward into the future: Celebrating 70 years of IMNZ  
Since 1946 the New Zealand Institute of Management, now the Institute of Management NZ, has championed the cause of New Zealand leaders and managers: From the days of men, machines and methods to today’s focus on leaders as people who are able to inspire, to create a compelling vision of the future, to motivate, to galvanise, to follow and to lead.

Process management critical for successful corporate mergers
If focus is placed on the processes that underpin organisations that are merging, any changes can be properly managed and disruption and tension minimised, writes
Ivan Seselj. 

Management Magazine: 61 years old and counting
Sixty-one years ago, when the first issue of Management magazine was produced, Sydney Holland was Prime Minister; our troops were serving in Malaysia and Korea; our prosperity seemed guaranteed as Britain’s food basket and our cricket team was dismissed for an almost unbelievable 26 runs in the second test against England in 1955. So, in another 60 years where will New Zealand be? What sort of leaders will it need and what sort of businesses and teams will they be leading?  

Blockchains: Is this a transformational technology?
The global banking industry is changing as rapidly and decisively as it can keep up with the technologies. And one technology that is emerging fast is that of blockchains, which some believe will do for transactions what the Internet did for information. 

Negotiating successfully at work: Three tips you need to know
You have a job offer and you have a choice; will you negotiate or not? If you decide not to, and another colleague negotiates a $20,000 increase for the same job, over the next five years they will be paid $100,000 more than you. Negotiation skills matter. By Christine Wattie.

Difficult conversations.

Directors’ fees – a specialist’s perspective.

Managing for a better world
To do a list or not to do one?

A matter of culture and circumstance.

Picking the perfect name for your new product.

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New climate impact monitor launched

A new online climate impact monitor aims to demystify the action – or inaction – of Aotearoa New Zealand’s top carbon emitters. Climate Action Tracker Aotearoa (CATA) independently analyses company

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