November 23, 2002

Corporate Governance Overkill?

In the rush to regulation that has followed corporate financial scandals, is there risk of overkill? That’s the concern emerging from recently released Economist Intelligence Unit white paper entitled “Corporate

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Executive Indulgences Go on, spoil yourself

Why have a festive season if you’re not going to splash out a little? Little, of course, can be relative – mainly to your personal budget – but don’t let the weight of the price tag get in the way of your reward for a year well managed. Here are a few ideas…

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How to Lift Human Capital Value

Evidence that companies with good people management practices substantially outperform the market comes from recent survey that rates New Zealand’s corporate efforts at around B-minus. The Watson Wyatt Human Capital

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OEsy come, OEsy go

Despite New Zealanders’ traditional obsession with OE, it appears we don’t value it as highly in terms of career development as people in other countries do. This rather strange anomaly

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On the move

Graham Shaw Shaw, previously CEO of Works Infrastructure, is the new chief executive officer of KPMG Legal replacing Keith Hindle who has retired. Janice Fredric, Margaret Horne YHA New Zealand

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Winning Traits for the “First X1”

Charismatic CEOs with “big hairy audacious goals” are out, effective execution and leadership are in. That’s according to new research which identifies Australia’s “top X1” high-performing organisations. Carried out by

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