February 27, 2003

Five ways to get your people to perform better

Through my speaking engagements around the country I am exposed to many different businesses. And I find that much of the service or work performance of our enterprises is very average. Excellent service is a rarity and the bigger the company the worse the service seems to be.

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Letters: Fonterra response

I write to draw your attention to significant and misleading error in the December issue of Management. In your cover story article, on page 27, you state that: “Fonterra’s performance

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Supply Chain Management: Enhancing the Bottom Line With Smart SCM

It’s a common enough term in modern management speak, “supply chain management” (SCM), but what does it really mean? It seems to mean different things to different people. But if it is as important to the bottom line as some commentators would have managers believe, is it as difficult to implement as it is to define?

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UPfront: A Cartoon Hsitory of Management

Ever since the first 1964 US Surgeon-General’s report showed clear connection between cigarette smoking and cancer there has been an elaborate smokescreen campaign of denial, spurious research and sophisticated ploys

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UPfront: Call me loyal

The loyal employee might be rarer beast in today’s work world, but it seems New Zealand is home to more than its fair share. That’s according to recent global survey

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UPfront: Customers are key

Pay more attention to customers and, oddly enough, your market results look healthier. Sounds obvious enough but there’s nothing like having bit of data to back up the intuitive connection

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UPfront: Delete with care

With more business being done online, recent Australian survey should inspire short pause over the email delete command. It showed Australian companies could be breaching Archives and Corporations law by

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UPfront: People are profit

More evidence that good people practices are also profitable comes from recent PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) survey of human resource leaders in Australia and New Zealand. They were questioned as part of

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UPfront: Sustainable behaviour

From balance sheets to board behaviour and brand messages – the emphasis on the benefits of triple bottom line reporting has undergone shift. That’s the thesis being explored at the

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UPfront: Waste trimming awards

Companies that have put themselves on waste diet get chance to strut their stuff this year at the Packaging Council of New Zealand’s biennial awards for excellence in environmentally acceptable

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