November 25, 2007

IN TOUCH : Managers abroad

Frank Young, Vice President North Asia, The Lincoln Electric Company What prompted you to seek work out of New Zealand? High taxes and limited career prospects. This was during the

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IN TOUCH : On the move

Karim Temsamani Sydney-based Temsamani will manage Google’s domestic business and strategic partnerships as the newly appointed general manager for Google Australia and New Zealand. He joins from Fairfax Media (Australia),

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IN TOUCH : Performance pays

Over one in three (37 percent) New Zealand employees’ pay is currently linked to performance and this figure is rising, according to survey by recruitment firm Hays. Presently 15 percent

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IN TOUCH : Trailwalker

Many businesses trumpet team building as an integral part of happy, productive workplace and Oxfam NZ is offering way to help – and raise money for worthy cause: the Oxfam

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IN TOUCH : Women in Transition

One way to address New Zealand’s ongoing skills shortage is engage the pool of untapped potential in mothers who have either not returned to the workforce, or returned to the

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TOP 200 JUDGES Rob Challinor, founder and executive director of boutique investment bankers Northington Partners, is former Deloitte partner and corporate finance adviser. He is currently chairman of Fisher Funds’

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NZIM : Keeping in Sync – The battle for talent

This battle rages on two fronts. Finding the best available people and keeping talent already recruited. The second of these two conundrums is easier to solve if you know what keeps people in your camp. A recent Australian study provides some answers. Reg Birchfield precis the findings.

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Strategic planning deals with the futurity of present decisions. Traditional planning asks: “What is most likely to happen?” Planning for uncertainty asks, instead “What has already happened that will create

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Management magazine’s listing of New Zealand’s largest organisations includes New Zealand subsidiaries and local branches of overseas companies, producer boards, cooperatives, local authority trading enterprises (LATEs) and state-owned enterprises that

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With climate change, global warming and emissions trading top of mind for many businesses, Massey University climate change researcher Peter Read reviews three books which look at the challenges, options and implications for New Zealand and the world.

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IN TOUCH : Breaking financial taboos

New Zealand sets standards globally in terms of financial education and last month’s launch of the draft national strategy to introduce personal financial management into the school curriculum confirms this.

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IN TOUCH : As I see it

Mary-Jane Daly, Chief financial officer, NZI What are the values that you will not negotiate on? Professionalism and delivering to high standard are really important to me. Early in my

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IN TOUCH : ‘Tis the Season

Most Kiwi workers will be treated to Christmas party or gift from their employer this year, but there’s no guarantee it will translate into increased loyalty or even boost morale.

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DELOITTE MESSAGE : Stepping beyond

Over the past three years we have used the Deloitte/Management magazine Top 200 awards programme to encourage New Zealand business to take up the challenge of increasing our global aspirations.

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COVER STORY : Class of 2007 – Waiting in the wings

With many of the country’s biggest companies restructured, taken over or moved offshore, what does the future look like for New Zealand business? Are we in a holding pattern waiting for the next crop of giants to mature or has the business scene changed for good?

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