June 25, 2011

Responsible governance: Beca Group’s “care” legacy

Global engineering consultancy Beca Group can’t tick all the boxes on a contemporary scale of responsible governance criteria, but few organisations have treated their people and the environment as consistently well for as long as it has. Reg Birchfield talked with Richard Aitken and Keith Reynolds about Beca’s approach to governing responsibly.

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NZIM – Leadership: Future focus

The New Zealand Institute of Management’s new national chairman Gary Sturgess knows what he wants to accomplish during his tenure at the top. NZIM is, he says, “more relevant today” than it has ever been.

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Leadership: Who’s leading what?

World enterprise, according to growing body of research, is facing leadership crisis. Businesses are becoming too complex, too competitive and yes, too confused about the future to govern and manage

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Information Technology : Improving care with technology

A small team of New Zealand and Australian medical specialists and entrepreneurs have won two prestigious British health services awards for a software package they have developed to save patients from hospital medical misadventure. Reg Birchfield talked with UK-based Kiwi Sam Hollander, a director of the venture.

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Inbox: World food crisis looming

Commodity prices will surge by over 180 percent in the next 20 years because of climate change, population growth and burgeoning middle classes, report on global food supply by Oxfam

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Cover Story : Leadership’s looming crisis

World enterprise is facing a leadership shortage of crisis proportions. The problem, increasingly obvious over the past decade, is worsening more rapidly than expected. It is acute in New Zealand and looks set to become even more so. Writer-at-large Reg Birchfield reports on the implications of alarming new research released to NZ Management for this special leadership issue.

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Inbox: Managers with a future

Executives with healthcare, infrastructure, financial services and green energy expertise will be in big demand to power the global economy’s growth over the next 20 years, according to recruitment company

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Inbox: Developing global leaders

Encouraging New Zealand managers to “globalise” in order to improve the international growth potential of their businesses is the aim of pilot programme being developed by The University of Auckland

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Governance lessons From the rubble of the recession

Governance expert and author Doug Matheson has so far identified five key lessons from the GFC and its ensuing recession as he researches the changing state of governance for a new book. He shared some of his findings at a recent Institute of Directors presentation.

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Food for thought on director feedback

Director and board evaluation involves board members undertaking a constructive but critical review of their own performance, identifying strengths, weaknesses and then implementing plans for further professional development. Director evaluation is essential for good governance says Iain McCormick.

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Execs on the move

Simon Bennett Recruitment company The Madison Group has appointed Simon Bennett as chief executive officer and aims to surpass its current double digit growth, to break $100 million turnover in

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Editorial: A new business paradigm

There has never been greater need for leadership. In an economically sputtering post-GFC world we face some of the greatest challenges mankind has had to confront. convergence of environmental, social

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