General managers, HR people and recruiters prefer people with university degrees.
That’s the conclusion of study by DBM NZ, which found the following trends:
? relevant degree was the most commonly requested qualification for marketing, HR, operations and general management roles.
? HR and general management are the only areas which registered any requirement for post-graduate level studies.
? The majority of respondents believe that in future people will need to be educated to post-graduate level – as minimum – to meet career goals.
? Post-graduate however doesn’t include MBAs.
Three quarters of respondents preferred post-grad diploma combining experience. The remaining quarter claimed qualification requirements depended on circumstances, with none preferring an MBA alone.
While graduate qualifications are important, the study suggests ongoing assessment of career options and career development.
Although graduate qualifications are foot in the door, life-long learning maintains healthy career path.
In the past this has meant returning to tertiary institution, but today’s technology means life-long learning can become reality.
Privacy Commissioner announces intent to issue Biometrics Code
The Privacy Commissioner has announced his intention to issue a Biometrics Code, has released the Biometric Processing Privacy Code for consultation and is calling for submissions on the draft code