IN TOUCH : Young Execs Note

Calling all young managers and leaders: please note that the regional finals for this year’s NZIM/Eagle Technology Young Executive of the Year Award are being held month earlier than last year. This is to tie in with this year’s week-long Management Focus programme in July (see article ‘Diary date’ on page 11). Nomination forms must be submitted by the end of June.
The Young Executive of the Year Award was established 13 years ago by NZIM and NZ Management magazine to recognise stand-out individuals who are prepared to go beyond perceived limitations, embrace emerging practices, and search out new opportunities, while demonstrating excellence in leadership and management practice.
Nominees must be under 35 years old and are initially judged at NZIM’s three regions: southern, central and northern. The three regional finalists go forward to the NZIM/Eagle Technology Young Executive of the Year Award. The overall winner is announced at the Deloitte/Management magazine Top 200 Awards at the end of the year.
•For details on entering this year’s awards see

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