March 22, 2007

The Daily Drucker

Social Purpose for Society The absence of basic social purpose for industrial society constitutes the core of our problem. We already have given up the belief that economic progress is

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NZIM : Researching the Future – Forward focus

The New Zealand Institute of Management has been contemplating the future of management education and training and considering what its response to that future might be. Market researcher and long-time NZIM member Ken Fink-Jensen reports on the findings of an extensive research survey of NZIM membership and managers in general.

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IN TOUCH : Young Execs Note

Calling all young managers and leaders: please note that the regional finals for this year’s NZIM/Eagle Technology Young Executive of the Year Award are being held month earlier than last

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IN TOUCH : Talent on tap

Speed daters do it. Bullet trains do it. When it comes to getting stuff done faster there’s been notable gap in the market. That’s the view of Executives Online (EOL)

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IN TOUCH : Shirley Not?

A bright, but not very green, future is on the cards for Australia’s SMEs. That’s the message from new study by global business coaching company Shirlaws. “Opportunities and challenges for

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IN TOUCH : Scholarship Opportunity

Cranfield School of Management in the United Kingdom is offering scholarship for the Cranfield MBA course worth approximately NZ$100,000. This is unique opportunity for young New Zealander to attend leading

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IN TOUCH : Managers Abroad

Andy Wilkinson: senior vice president/GM Asia Pacific, webMethods – and NZ vineyard owner What prompted you to seek work out of New Zealand? Initially I left New Zealand on my

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IN TOUCH : Location, location

A serious rethink about where production and distribution activities take place may need to be on the cards if New Zealand is to secure its foothold in the global economy.

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IN TOUCH : Eight Decades Young

The age of the octogenarian manager may be fast approaching if the predictions of new Labour Department report prove valid. “Older people in work: key trends and patterns 1995 –

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IN TOUCH : On the move

Grainne Troute Human resources consulting company Right Management has appointed Troute as its managing director for New Zealand. She was formerly McDonald’s New Zealand’s managing director. Vicki Hamilton Effective this

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ECONOMICS : Hands Off Housing

Back in March, this column mused on the critique of one Antony Mueller, Brazilian economics professor who reckons modern economies are too complex and diverse for central bank control of

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AS I SEE IT : Leilani Salesa

• BA, social anthropology and English. BA, museum and cultural heritage. MA student at Auckland University. • Pacific educator, Auckland War Memorial Museum. • Represented the Museum and Auckland University

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