Did you know that you must have written policy on workplace smoking? It must be annually reviewed, and prepared in consultation with employees, and aim to prevent unwanted passive smoking. It must include: –

1) statement that smoking isn’t permitted: in lifts, or in office areas where there’s shared common airspace:
? in at least half of any lunchroom(or where there is more than one lunch session, during the first session)
? in any areas of public access.

2) procedures for:
? employees to request that smoking is not permitted within two metres of their usual work area (in any workplace that is not an office)
? making complaints under the Act.
As an employer you must display both the policy and prominent notices indicating smoking and non-smoking areas, says recent Brookfields newsletter.
On request copy of the policy has to be given to employees, prospective employees or employee representatives.

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Paying with your face

Imagine walking into a store, picking up your items and paying just by looking at a screen. This is already a reality in China thanks to facial recognition payment technology.

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