Tackling potential problem can be an unnerving experience. Be it balancing your chequebook (showing my age here), finally going to the dentist, tackling the unread inbox messages or, as is happening this month, looking at how to raise management performance in this country and ensure we have steady stream of future candidates.
Management Focus is the brainchild of the Business Capability Partnership set up under Ministry of Economic Development 2006 Budget allocation. The private/public sector partnership launched quietly last year with input from the New Zealand Institute of Management and major sector groups including Business New Zealand, the Employers and Manufacturers Association, economic development agencies, chambers of commerce, educators such as institutes of technology and universities, and government departments such as NZ Trade & Enterprise and the Department of Labour.
Things are stepping up level this year. See www.managementfocus.org.nz for more information.
We’re doing our part by running cover story on how we are educating our future leaders. New Zealand’s ageing population is no secret and is already being planned for in some sectors (KiwiSaver for example). Tim Watkin takes look at what skills are being taught in our schools to prepare students as future managers. He finds new focus on people skills to supplement the traditional ‘business’ teaching around economics and accounting.
We also talk to consummate manager, Infratil boss and investment banker Lloyd Morrison. Winner of the 2007 Deloitte Management magazine Executive of the Year, Morrison has been steady force in New Zealand business for two decades. He shares his thoughts on leadership and style and is reluctantly dubbed ‘the honourable broker’.
That’s something we need more of both in today’s business leaders like Morrison and in the next crop who are currently still in the education system. Honour and sense of how to treat people properly.
And now for something completely different. As part of our efforts to treat our readers and subscribers properly, www.management.co.nz is now open access and totally free for you to browse at your pleasure. No passwords or logins are required and the archive is available as well. Plus we’ve put the Top 200 list online for you too. All this and the usual Print Plus section which extends some of the features from each issue. Please take some time to visit the site.

Engineering leader to oversee Fergus’ global technology direction
Fergus, a job management software provider for the trade industry in Australia and New Zealand, has announced the appointment of Ben Gracewood as Vice President of Engineering, based in Auckland.