7-12 Company Directors’ Course. Auckland. Institute of Directors.
8-9″ target=”_blank”>
8-9 Probem Solving and
Decision Making. NZIM Central.
8-9″ target=”_blank”>
8-9 Project Management. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
9″ target=”_blank”>
9 Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials. Hamilton. Institute of Directors.
9-10″ target=”_blank”>
9-10 Practical People Skills. Christchurch. NZIM Southern.
10-11″ target=”_blank”>
10-11 Understanding Accounting. Auckland.
University of Auckland Short Courses.
15-16″ target=”_blank”>
15-16 Managing People. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
15-16″ target=”_blank”>
15-16 Business Modelling. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
17″ target=”_blank”>
17 Finance Essentials. Wellington. Institute of Directors.
17-18″ target=”_blank”>
17-18 Mental Toughness. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
18″ target=”_blank”>
18 Critical Thinking. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
18-19″ target=”_blank”>
18-19 Due Diligence. Auckland. University of Auckland Short Courses.
22-23″ target=”_blank”>
22-23 Essential Skills for Managing Projects. Wellington. Project Plus.
24″ target=”_blank”>
24 Effective Audit Committees. Christchurch. Institute of Directors.
25-26″ target=”_blank”>
25-26 Needs Analysis and Programme Design. NZIM Central.
1-2″ target=”_blank”>
1-2 Leading Virtual Teams. Christchurch. NZIM Southern,
1-2″ target=”_blank”>
1-2 Business Process Improvement. Auckland.
University of Auckland Short Courses.
6-7″ target=”_blank”>
6-7 Business Skills for
New Managers. Auckland.
University of Auckland Short Courses.

Complex cyber threat environment reflected in NCSC report
A new report highlights that 7,122 cyber security incidents were recorded in NZ the year to 30 June 2024, 343 of which were triaged for specialist technical support because of