Executive Update

Executive Update eNewsletter

The fortnightly newsletter for thought leaders 8th June 2012

In this issue

Bill English’s Budget promises wafer-thin fiscal surplus. Finsia gender research shows there’s room for better deal for women working in the financial services sector. And BNZ launches new industry group for women to (hopefully) do just that.  Read more »

Budget shows disciplined approach – but only for public debt

The 2012/13 Budget has met the Government’s commitment to fiscal discipline by paring back the fiscal deficit over the next two years (it’s down to -$8.4 billion in 2011/12) to deliver surplus in 2014/15. But it will be thin one ($197 million), according to Budget Day projections, and Finance Minister Bill English said getting there would be tough slog. Read more »

Finance sector fails females

New research from the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (Finsia) shows that companies need to make good on their stated commitment to promote gender equality.  Read more »

Ethnic links bolster NZ economy

Ethnic businesspeople in New Zealand are leading the way in doing business with some of New Zealand’s key export markets, according to the ANZ’s 2012 Privately-owned Business Barometer, survey of 4000 businesses across the country.  Read more »

Soft skills needed in Indian market

A new Asia New Zealand Foundation report, “Getting to Know Indian Businesses“, underscores the importance of New Zealand managers investing time and effort in understanding India’s business culture. Read more »

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