Executive Update

Executive Update eNewsletter

The fortnightly newsletter for thought leaders 30th March 2012

Mixed spread

Here’s another mixed spread of insights for NZ leaders and managers… 

Intellectual property expert Paul Adams tells Go Global conference delegates most company leaders miss the point when it comes to protecting their business. Read more »

Expert busts IP myths

Many business leaders don’t understand what intellectual property (IP) is and the role it plays in their business.

So says Paul Adams, CEO and founder of Everedge IP, who was speaking at the Go Global conference in Auckland last week. Read more »

Women lead matrix organisations

Top-ranking women demonstrate higher proficiency than their male counterparts in number of the key skills required to lead in matrix work environment, according to new emotional and social intelligence research from global management consultancy Hay Group. Read more »

Kiwis trust eco label

A Colmar Brunton survey shows that when making purchase, the majority of Kiwis place trust in our country’s eco-label, Environmental Choice New Zealand

This contrasts with international scepticism about “green labelling”.  Read more »

Giving not counted

Companies may be giving but they’re not calculating how much, according to new ‘Business and the Community’ survey.

It shows 77 percent of New Zealand businesses actively contribute to the community but 60 percent do not currently measure their community involvement. Read more »

Hard to find good IT staff

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