Executive Update

Executive Update eNewsletter

The fortnightly newsletter for thought leaders 29th April 2011

In this issue

There are further encouraging signs that the economy is recovering  but it brings with it tightening job market which reignites concerns about New Zealand’s skill shortages…  a survey shows most companies that rehire former employees report it’s been good move… and too few New Zealand corporates appear to give toss about meeting accepted global standards of responsible corporate governance.
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Some encouraging economic signs

The economic mood was already lifting before the Reserve Bank – followed by market reaction to its decision to hold the Official Cash Rate – gave it further fillip yesterday, reports economics correspondent Bob Edlin.
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Prepare for much tighter job market

Although the economy has been very weak for almost year, the labour market has continued to tighten up, albeit slowly, says BNZ chief economist Tony Alexander. He expects that tightening will become quite pronounced as growth accelerates from later this year, meaning employers need to be giving greater thought to their recruitment and staff retention strategies.
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How to overcome looming skills shortages?

A tightening labour market will bring New Zealand’s skills shortages into sharp focus once again. Executive Update canvassed the views of number of recruitment heads about what companies – and the country – should consider doing to address this issue.
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Boomerang employees better hires

More than half of New Zealand businesses have rehired former employees and most consider it to have been good move, according to research report released this week by recruitment agency Hudson.
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Sparking creativity in teams: An executive’s guide

Senior managers can apply practical insights from neuroscience to make themselves – and their teams – more creative.
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New climate impact monitor launched

A new online climate impact monitor aims to demystify the action – or inaction – of Aotearoa New Zealand’s top carbon emitters. Climate Action Tracker Aotearoa (CATA) independently analyses company

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