Letters: The other side of the coin

I have just read your most interesting article “Top Ten Women Talk About Their Lives” [Management, September 2002].

It’s hit button for me. After years of reading articles about the balancing act of motherhood and career I suddenly realised that there’s nothing “out there” on the perspectives of the childless woman with career. I get the impression that being childless is an overwhelming advantage if you want career; that it makes life easier, and that those with career don’t need life.

I’m one of those (childless) – and have struggled with the counter form of discrimination. For example the often unspoken but sometimes blatant “you don’t have to go home yet”, “you could pop up to Auckland”, “you can always be available”… but I won’t burble on.

My point – I’d love someone to show the other side of the coin.
Lorie-Jean Roff
Business improvement leader
Christchurch City Council

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