Ten Top Tips : For Successful Meetings

New Zealand businesses could be wasting thousands of dollars each year on poorly planned meetings and conferences according to Regus – the world’s largest provider of flexible workplace solutions.
With most business people spending considerable amount of their working time in meetings, the need to improve them is paramount. Many businesses are already absorbing costs associated with lost time and reduced productivity resulting from poorly planned business meetings.
Running great meetings requires attention to detail in all aspects from venue and technology selection right through to having the right chairperson and keeping to time.
And it’s not only regular business meetings that require special thought – planning for new business meetings is equally important.
First impressions really count when you’re sealing the deal, and it simply doesn’t make sense to host potential clients in poorly equipped meeting room.
Organisations should be thinking smart and looking for professional facilities in central locations.
As part of global network of 950 serviced office centres, Regus offers highly desirable central location in Auckland City’s legal precinct.
Based in the AXA Building on Shortland Street, the Regus centre offers fully equipped offices, professional meeting rooms, business lounges and state-of-the-art videoconferencing facilities, supported by team of smart, professional staff.

It’s all about timing
Pick the most central and time-efficient location for the people attending (and make sure everyone has maps and clear meeting times).

Be flexible on venue
Successful meetings can take place in person, by conference call or by videoconference. Be aware of the time pressures on colleagues and the costs of travelling long distances.

Pick the right meeting room for your purpose
Would boardroom, round-table, or classroom-style work best for you?

Pre-book your technology
Screens, projectors, videoconferencing (and someone to help you work it, if required!).

Brief attendees in advance
Make sure everyone knows the agenda, purpose of the meeting and the desired outcomes.

Preparation, preparation, preparation
If you are the meeting organiser, arrive early to set up and remind yourself of the details for the meeting.

Chair the meeting firmly
Plan out the time allowance for each agenda point and aim to start and finish on time.

Keep the meeting lively and engaging
Think about using ice-breakers at the beginning of the meeting to ensure everyone is introduced and to get them involved, then aim to maintain energy and enthusiasm throughout.

Ensure clear and detailed notes are taken
Either by you or delegate the job to someone else at the meeting.

A strong finish
Wrap up the meeting by reiterating agreed actions, responsibilities and next steps – and remember to follow up the meeting promptly with contact report and next meeting dates.

Jasen Crompton is the general manager of Regus New Zealand.

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